Sunday, July 3, 2011


So, lately I've been going through Deuteronomy, which will probably take a long, long time.

The next post I have planned is in 2 Peter 1, and is a sermon I hope to preach some day at my local church.  It's about 7 things we should be continually be working on in our lives.  It starts with our faith in Christ, when we first become a Christian and ends with loving other believers, then the world around us with the love of Christ.  These 7 things take a lot of work though, so perhaps it will take more than one post.

Other than that, I'd like some feedback!  I know a few of my friends read this every so often, so I'm asking three things of anyone reading this.  1)  Tell me what you like 2)  Tell me what you want more of 3) Actually tell me!

(Facebook message, txt, whatever)